Do you wanna hear a brain joke?

Do you wanna hear a brain joke?

You’ve decided you want to hear a brain joke…

Excellent choice.

  • What is a sleeping brain’s favorite rock group?

    • REM

  • What does a brain do when it sees a friend cross the street?

    • It waves!

  • Where do brain surgeons go to study?

    • The hippocampus

  • Why was the neuron sent to the principals office?

    • It had trouble controlling it’s impulses

  • Why didn’t the brain want to take a bath?

    • It didn’t want to be brain washed!

  • What do you call a group of brains who form a singing group?

    • A glia club!

  • What kind of fish performs a brain surgery?

    • A brainsturgeon

  • What goes through a potatoes brain?

    • Tater thoughts

  • What do neurons use to talk to each other?

    • A cellular phone!